The aim of our art curriculum is to engage, inspire, and challenge students, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of Art. Our aim is for students to know about how Art both reflects and shapes our history, and contributes to the culture, creativity, and wealth of our nation. We aim to develop independent, resilient, creative thinkers who are unafraid to take intellectual and creative risks.
The Art curriculum is critical and contextual at the core. We teach art, craft and design using historical and contemporary influences, supporting students to develop their own visual language by encouraging them to see, question and understand by practicing. We use a spiral structure to meet our aims where students regularly re-visit materials, techniques and processes to improve their skills and understanding. The Art department at the Kibworth school has four main aims for students:
- To develop ideas through the investigation of appropriate sources, exploring the work of artists and to develop skills in analysing and expressing opinions using artistic terminology and vocabulary.
- To explore and refine ideas gaining understanding of the unique qualities of different materials, techniques and processes to enable them to experiment freely and with confidence.
- To record ideas by developing a visual language that builds on the formal elements, understanding the mind set of an artist-paying attention to details, showing great determination, resilience and problem-solving skills.
- To present a response that is a personal realisation of their intentions.
These aims are meet by a five-year Art curriculum delivered by experienced, specialist staff with a passion for their subject.
This begins at KS3 where students in year 7 are introduced to the formal elements. They learn to recognise and apply line, tone, colour, texture and form with skill and accuracy. They record their observations in sketchbooks developing practical skills alongside an appreciation of how Art has evolved over time to the present day. They will work with increasing control to demonstrate their understanding of pencil skills, colour theory and composition.
In years 8 and 9, students continue to develop their knowledge and skills in the subject showing critical understanding and cultural awareness. They extend the range of media, techniques and processes to include 3D construction, collage and mixed media whilst exploring themes of architecture, still life and ‘issue’ based artwork. Our programme of study aims to provide all students with a broad education in Art, the experience endeavours to increase spatial awareness, problem solving skills, self-confidence and imaginative responses.
At KS4 students undertake the OCR GCSE. There are two elements to the course: to create a portfolio of work demonstrating consistently high standards that relates to a theme set by the centre (60%) and then to respond to an externally set task culminating in the ten hour exam (40%). The GCSE course builds upon the experience of KS3, offering a more personalised programme of study well suited to the independent inquirer.
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KS3 Knowledge Organisers
Subject Leader/s
A Crellin