Thank you for your interest in the Kibworth Goodman Exhibition Fund.

A former Headmaster of Kibworth Grammar School, Jeremiah Goodman, bequeathed £300 on his death in 1836. Nearly 200 years later, this small fund continues to provide support for past students of what is now The Kibworth School to progress their studies or careers.

If you are a former student of The Kibworth School/Kibworth High School, aged 26 or under, the Fund may be able to help support you with your further education or training.

Grants of up to £150 are available to support further education or training, such as:

  • Clothing or materials eg text books or uniform
  • Tools or equipment to support educational or training purposes
  • Transport/travel costs for educational or training purposes
  • Tuition fees for educational or training courses (excludes evening courses)

The deadline for the next round of applications is Monday 10 October 2022.

To apply, please download the application form and guide