The aim of our PSHE curriculum is to create students who will become proud, valuable members of society who can work hard to make meaningful contributions to the local and wider community and enrich the lives of others. We aim to create students who are able to question, challenge and be resilient as well as being equipped with the values and skills which lead them to be safe, kind, have healthy relationships and take responsibility for their wellbeing.

The PSHE curriculum is a progressive, spiral curriculum that addresses real needs in a rapidly changing world. We follow the Jigsaw 11-16 scheme of work that comprises PSHE, resilience, mental health, emotional literacy, social and employability skills, British Values, and SMSC (spiritual, moral, social, cultural development), as well as an inclusive philosophy including Relationships and Sex education (RSE).

PSHE is delivered in tutor time by form tutors.
Units covered include:

  • Being Me in My World
  • Celebrating Difference
  • Dreams and Goals
  • Healthy Me
  • Relationships
  • Changing Me

Students revisit these topics each year where they build on prior knowledge and understanding.
Each unit contains a mental health and wellbeing thread throughout. Students develop language to be able to talk about their bodies, health and emotions and to understand physical and emotional changes that take place. They learn about the connection between good physical health and good mental wellbeing and also are taught where they can seek help if they have concerns.